Monday 6 August 2012

My Weightloss SUCCESS!!!!!!

Back in mid June I mentioned that I was starting the Dukan Diet. Well I have to admit it did not last that long. My wife and I found it quite bland and we were missing a lot of 'taste'. However it did start us on a weight loss journey, as another friend of ours was also losing weight on a different (but quite similar diet), so we converted to that one. It is a High Protein, Low Carbohydrate Diet By Dr. Charles Clark (Click this link to go to Amazon to see the book I am talking about) that allows for the use of cheeses and as many vegetables as you like, excluding potatoes and legumes. So no pasta, potatoes, beans etc. but as much carrot, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower etc. as you like. Also as much meat as you like.

Well, after nearly 2 months I have lost a total of 21 pounds. That is a stone and a half to us brits. I don't feel hungry and if I want a snack, a slice of meat or a bit of cheese fills me up nicely. I find I no longer get hunger pangs and a need to have a 'sugar rush' with some chocolate or a packet of crisps (chips to our American cousins) .

This eating regime seems to suit me. The only drawback I have come across, so far, is sometimes I get constipated, so I eat some vegitables that have a bit more fibre in them.

It has made us plan our daily menus so that we only buy what we need each week. We have built up a list of about 20 recipies that we like and then we base our main evening meals on selecting 7 of these each week. That way we do not get too repetitive in our meals. Lunch tends to be mainly just protien and we always have a substantial breakfast which sets us up for the day.

You are limited to 40 grammes of carbohydrates a day to start off with (1 slice of bread is 17, half a bagel is similar). I have now reached the point where I want to stabilise so I have upped my limit to 60 grammes a day, but, quite frankly, I am happy with 40 but that will keep me losing weight and I want to stop that for the time being.

There is no need to beat yourself up if you exceed the limit on 1 day, just write the day off and start again the next morning.

One BIG drawback, you have to buy new clothes as your old ones are just TOO BIG!!!!! I have given away all my suits, masses of shirts, jackets etc. to the point where my wardrobe is half empty. I am sure most people will be happy with this "problem".

I will try and get some photos together to illustrate the changes that have occurred in such a short space of time. Now I just have to keep it off.