Wednesday 13 June 2012

The Dukan Diet

You may be interested to know that I am actually following the above diet as I type. I have been for a week and the results are quite amazing. It has not been easy but the results speak for themselves.

What is Dukan? Well it comes from France and has been written by Pierre Dukan. It is basically a high protien, no carbohydrate diet (at least in the Attack Phase - which lasts between 5-10 days). Google it for more details, there are hundreds of web sites that will explain it much better than I can. It is similar to Atkins but does not allow any high fat foods like cheeses etc.

I have just completed the Attack phase and lost approx 7-8 pounds. That is half a stone to us brits. That is in a WEEK. OK it has not been easy. Dukan lists some 70 foods you can eat in this phase (and ONLY these foods) so out the window goes fruit, vegatables, carbohydrates, pastas, rice and all associated sauces etc. Basically you only eat protien. ie Meat, Fish, eggs, zero fat yoghurt, no fat cottage cheese and things like onions, chives, some oat bran etc. 

I did not think I would get fed up with just protien, but I found that scrambled eggs for breakfast 3 days on the trot was more than enough for me!!!! Chicken is a meat you tend to eat a lot of, I supose because it is readily available without you having to cook it ie you can get cooked chicken in any supermarket, and it is generaly low in fat.

However, there is a recipie book and there are lots of recipies on the internet that help you prepare the foods in a variety of ways. I think the biggest problem in the attack phase is you tend to eat the same things day after day and you get fed up with them. Also my wife (the cook) hates having to prepare all this food from scratch. I don't think we have done so much washing up in years, lol. 

But, the results speak for themselves. 

We are now moving into the cruise phase where we can start introducing some vegetables and a little more variety into our foods. Let's hope this is as effective!!

I would mention that you can eat as much protien as you like at any time, if you are feeling hungry, go eat a slice of Ham or Turkey. There is no limit on the amount you can eat and you will find that you do not feel hungry. If you eat enough protien, you feel full for longer so you do not get the hunger pangs like other diets. That makes it a LOT easier to follow. 

Keep the faith in yourself, you CAN do it. Just don't give in to those cravings, remember the biggest problem is between your ears and all the training you were given as a child. You have to overcome these and the Dukan Diet certainly helps.

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