Monday 3 September 2012

Too Much Success.....

I never, ever, thought I would say this but my problem is now STOPPING the weight loss. I have reached my target weight (and a little more) and now have to stabilise. The problem lies in that I now have to re-introduce more carbs, but I have got into the method of not including them and so continue to lose weight. I like what I am eating. I like this low carb regime. 

At the weekend it felt wrong when I had 2 slices of bread with my breakfast. It was a bacon sandwich, and whilst it tasted fine, I found that by mid morning I was feeling hungry. That never happened when I just had a low carb breakfast. I found I was having to compensate for the extra carbs to stop feeling hungry. Crazy!!!

Well I did stabilise (my weight was the same this week as last) however that may have something to do with going out for a meal on Thursday and then attending a wedding reception on Friday, before weighing myself on Saturday morning <grin>.

To try and find a method to control this my wife and I have agreed that we will continue with the regime Monday to Friday and try and introduce more carbs at the weekend. I don't know if this will work or not but time will tell.

The upcoming cruise we are going on will blow everything out the water as we have every intention of enjoying ourselves but at least we have a method to get rid of the extra weight when we get back. It is also the reason why we have included an extra allowance on our target weights to take this into account.

Keep the faith and keep the carbs low. Enjoy.

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