Tuesday 13 March 2012

Special Diet Plans for Weight Loss

Most of the people who want to lose weight prefer to follow a particular and planned regime to do so. They want to have a set of rules and regulations for the same. Diet products, books, and services are one of the most flourishing industries in the world today. But before adopting any such technique, one should always keep in mind that it is practically impossible to lose weight just by resorting to these dietary short-cuts without making any changes in his/her lifestyle or reducing the intake of fatty food items.

Some of the most popular diet plans that people across the world follow are the Atkins diet, the GM diet and the like. Most of these diet plans have been a success with people. The idea is to figure out a diet plan that sounds plausible and which you think would work best for you. One should not forget that the most successful weight loss is due to dietary changes and healthy food habits that one should continue for a long time rather than diets that can leave you famished and yearning to eat more.

Most of the people are apprehensive about taking on to a diet plan is because they want to avoid pangs of hunger. But they need to understand the fact that the proper diet is about eating regular meals and keeping oneself full. Keeping one’s hunger in check will ensure that a person does not overeat and will also ensure that he/she does not suffer from frustration that result out of hunger.

One should eat 5-6 small meals a day instead of sticking to the conventional 3 meals. The way this works is simple. When we stick to 3 meals, by the time it is time for one meal, we are so hungry that we end up over overeating. Eating more number of meals will ensure that we are full and let us be in control. The next thing that one should always take care of is to never skip meals. If a person skips a meal in a day, he/she ends up compensating for the skipped meal at some other point of time during the day and that is all the more dangerous. Skipping meals slows down the metabolism because this way, the body feels that it is not getting enough food and thereby, it burns lesser number of calories.

One should adopt the trick of eating slowly. The human body and mind takes 20 minutes to realise that it is full and does not need any more food. If a person eats quickly, then by the end of 20 minutes, he/she has already eaten so much that the entire purpose of reducing calorie intake is lost. But if a person eats slowly, then at the end of the same 20minutes, he/she feels full and also reduces calorie intake in the process. Basically, it is to be strictly believed that a person does not need to starve to ensure there is weight loss. If a person loses weight in a healthy way, he/she is likely to keep it away for good.

Keeping in mind these factors, let us now have a look at the various diet plans and their pros and cons, and their potential effects.

Medha Behera

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