Thursday 22 March 2012

Use Cardio to burn more fat!

Cardio workouts are a great way to speed up your weight loss if you have got the dedication to do it right.

Visit any modern health club and they will tell you to do the same thing: you need to keep at a 'steady state'. However, this regimen can be very hard for those who have not to stamina to maintain it. To do it successfully you need to keep going at the same identical speed for long stretches of time. No breaks. No slowing down. But consistently.

Now for the average slimmer, like you or me, reaching this fitness level can take some time, and even when you have achieved it, you often rarely lose any pounds.

The reason for this is your metabolism. Whilst cardio certainly tones up the muscles, to experience real, natural weight loss you need to speed up your metabolism. And as the saying goes 'the faster your metabolism, the faster you will burn fat.'

So how can you get this balance right? Simple. By introducing a technique called 'interval training'. Expanding on the 'steady state', this workout ensures that your body still receives the full workout of cardio but more importantly increases your calorie burn. 

Interval Training - your step-by-step guide to instant calorie burn
Alternating between low and high intensities, interval training traditional incorporates the following format:
  • 15 minute warm-up
  • Amplify pace slightly as well as the resistance for 2 minutes
  • Go very fast for the next 0.5 to 1 minutes. It is essential at this point that you do it as hard as you can.
  • Repeat for 2 minutes, with a 1 minute fast interval 3 to 6 times.
  • 5 minute cool down
So give this routine a try and begin feeling the difference of a healthier, more toned body.

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