Wednesday 29 February 2012

Staying Motivated While Losing Weight

If you have tried to lose weight in the past and failed just because you couldn't keep yourself motivated, or simply you did not have a good motive to begin with, you are not alone. Many people wake up one day and say "I'm going to start losing weight from this day forwards". They watch their diet and exercise for a day or two, and then they forget about it. This is usually due to a lack of motivation. People are motivated sometimes and at times they're not. If you're ever going to be successful on losing weight, you will need to keep yourself motivated all the time.

Listed below are tips that you can use to encourage yourself whenever you are feeling apathetic. These tips will also help you to deal with temptation of calorific foods, laziness that comes up when it's time to exercise and when you are being a coach potato.
  • Never forget the purpose you are losing weight for. If you're losing weight to look attractive, say that out loud every morning "I'm going to lose weight and look attractive". If you're losing weight to be healthy, say "I'm losing weight to be healthy". 
  • Never forget the benefits of losing weight. Imagine how energized you be, the level of impact it will have on your productivity, how seductive you will be to the opposite sex.
  • Take a picture of yourself while you are overweight. Keep this picture with you at all times. Whenever you feel like eating fattening food, ask yourself "Do I want to be like this forever?" If you have already lost some weight, ask yourself "Do I want to be this again?"
  • Keep a picture of your favorite actor/actress, player or model. Whenever you feel unenthusiastic, take a look at his or her abs, legs, hips and tummy. This will make you want to be like him or her and might give you the stimulus you need.
  • Create a spreadsheet with columns: date, calories eaten, calories burned, food #1, food #2..., exercise #1, exercise #2..., and weight. Update this file every day except your weight. Weight should be updated weekly. Looking at your progress will help you focus and stay motivated.
  • Look at yourself in the mirror everyday and visualize you being slim and trim that you always wanted.
  • Watch fitness and exercise related TV shows every day. After looking at people working out and eating healthy, it might encourage you to do the same.
  • Look at before and after pictures. Internet is flooded with these types of pictures; a simple search at Google will bring thousands of results.
  • If you can afford it, hire a personal trainer. A personal trainer will not only give you training, they're also capable of keeping you motivated.
  • Make the exercise a fun activity; listen to your favorite music or watch a movie of your choice while you are on a treadmill. You will be surprised how much extra walking/jogging you can do while watching a movie.
  • Set small achievable goals and reward yourself on completion. Have your favorite meal, even if it is a pizza or a double cheeseburger. Losing weight does not mean that you will never enjoy your beloved meals.
  • The most important tip would be to learn what works for you. It might be fitting into your favorite clothes, showing your abs at the beach, etc.
Most people have whatever it takes to lose weight. They have all the information they need, they have access to a gym. Only thing missing is their motivation. You should make motivation a vital part of your plan. You must know how you will keep yourself motivated before starting on your weight loss approach.

Follow these tips and keep finding new ways to motivate yourself constantly, and you will conquer your way to success in no time.

Tuesday 28 February 2012

3 Weight Loss Super Foods to Help You with Quick Weight Loss

How nice it would have been if you could lose weight by eating, right? Well, your wish is about to come true. In this article I will tell you of three such foods that will help you lose weight. Sounds too good to be true? Well, just read this article to understand what I mean!

1. Lean meats: Lean chicken meat is one of the best weight loss foods you can ever have! Why? It contains a lot of amount of protein and very little fat, and as you know, protein will build lean muscles. Lean muscles will help you burn fat by accelerating your metabolic rate! 

If chicken proves to be too expensive for your pocket, try turkey breast! In any case, make sure you eat only lean meats and stay away from red meat!

Fishes are also very good for quick weight loss. Fishes such as salmon and tuna contain Omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids fall in the category of 'good fats' or unsaturated fats. You gained weight because of a hormone called leptin which stores fat inside your body. Omega-3 fatty acids will cut down on leptin; when that happens, you are bound to lose weight!

2. Olive oil: Replace your fatty oil with olive oil. Olive oil is almost free from the 'bad fats' (saturated fats) and contains a considerable amount of unsaturated fats. These unsaturated fats will not only suppress your appetite but also fight cholesterol. In short, olive oil will keep your cholesterol levels down.

3. Berries: Berries are also good for weight loss. There are several types of berries: blackberries, blueberries, strawberries, etc. All of them will help you with weight loss in one or the other way. Strawberry is especially the best among the berries: not only it tastes good, but also helps in suppressing your appetite. Once you get rid of hunger pangs, you can focus more on your weight loss goals and less on eating!

As you can see, just because you want to lose weight doesn't mean that you have to starve. Many people tend to starve or follow crash diets but nothing beats eating and losing weight. I firmly believe that if you eat the right foods, you will not only lose weight but also become healthy. Plus the foods I mentioned above are also rich in vitamins and antioxidants.

Also remember that these are not the only weight loss super foods that are available to you. Other foods such as nuts, oatmeal, eggs and almonds can also help you with weight loss. Add these foods to your diet and see how quickly you are able to get rid of your fat belly!

Monday 27 February 2012

Fit Office People - Weight Loss Program

Most of the time people are given programs on strict schedules and duties, but when it comes to implementation, its rather difficult due to the personal situation of all of us.

Knowing this, here is a program for all the "office people" out there (and of course as a responsible person you will check with your doctor in case of any special cases).

Getting out of the house to go to work can sometimes break all the known speed records and having a diet plan shout at you for not taking your "most important meal of the day" can add extra frustration to an already bad hair day and lost car keys, not to mention that only God remembers where you parked the car last night. 

So what to do. We know we have to have that breakfast and it has to be healthy, but we don't have the time or even wish to eat the bloody thing.

There are three solutions:
The worst: cereal breakfast bars. Its definately better than nothing (anything is better than nothing) but these guys are either undercover calorie bombs or they are so tiny that throwing one in your mouth sometimes feels like you have something stuck in your teeth. As an additional disadvantage, its just too easy to take more than one or even several. Nevertheless, as mentioned, better than nothing, quick & portable.

Runner up and a close contestant for the first place is the super portable - APPLE. Don't bother eating at home! Or did you forget that you have at least 30 minutes of traffic time to kill while you listen to your favorit radio. The rule is simple, put a bowl of apples literally on your way out, grab one as you exit the house and eat it on the way. Throw the leftover bit in one of the ashtrays when you are done.

The winner for breakfast, especially for people who need a faster weight loss, are protein powder drinks or shakes. If you don't know what this is, it is basically a powder of only protein. All natural. Picking the correct product can be a little tricky (too much choice) and it definately requires some experimentation to see which brand you like the best. What you need to look at is the nutrition table on the package and there you are looking to see absolute minimum amounts of carbs and fats (they get as low as less than 1 gram; example: Isopure ZeroCarb) and maximum amount of protein. Basically the whole weight should be protein and vitamins. The consumption is very fast. I've done it in less than 15 seconds. Open lid (there is usually a scoop for 30g inside), put in container which has a closable lid (very cheap to buy. I got mine in the supermarket), pour in liquid (i use water), shake and drink. Remember, protein is the building block of life and its exactly what your body needs in the morning.
Now that the breakfast is fixed, next step is work. 

Work work work until lunch. Always try to have a warm meal. Sandwitches are not good at all for this purpose as they are loaded with calories. However, if you have to have a sandwitch, pick brown bread (not with any seeds; seeds are powefully loaded with energy) and pick lean meats like chicken, eggs are good, cheese is good, and only green color salads and definately no sauses whatsoever.

At the warm meal, take a piece of lean meat like chicken, turkey or, if you have the choice, definately put a preferance on fish. With this, do not take any potatoes, pasta, rice or anything of the sort. You add to this (the rest of the plate) warm vegetables. Mixed choices are great for the variety and green coloured ones have a priority.

If you are vegetarian - full plate of vegetables.
No desert, no fruits. If you really have to, take something small, like a small plum. 

Next, around 3-4 pm, which is about 3 hours after you finished lunch, go buy an apple. Yep, every day. Again, you can resort to the more portable cereal snack bars, but they are way more full of calories and give much less benefit than the apple, not even mentioning that they excite your sweet tooth.

Now you finally finished the working day and you are leaving the office. You get into your car and guess what you find. More apples! Where did they come from you ask? I'll tell ya! :) When you went to the supermarket you bought a small/medium plastic container with a fully closable lid, where you could fit 3 apples. You washed it when you got home, put 3 apples inside and put it in the car. This is your emergency stash. What does this mean? 

If you had lunch and you are able to leave the office at a normal hour, you do not need this stash. But often it happens that this is not the case.

Therefore, if you had lunch, you had your 3-4pm apple, but you are now forced to stay until 8-9pm to work, you will arrive home probably by 10pm. You can not have a full meal at that hour. As a matter of fact, you can not eat 3 hours before you go to bed. So, instead, in this "emergency" situation, you can have an apple as you drive back home.

Second situation is of course if you did not have your 3-4pm apple, but you are leaving home at a decent hour or even early. In this case, the "emergency" stash will serve as your after lunch meal and the before dinner appetite killer. If you go for dinner on a stomach which only had lunch, you are very very likely to eat much more than you need. 
Remember the universal rule - eat often, but small amounts

Dinner at home or restaurant is treated same as lunch. Better results are seen if you have the piece of meat only once per day not twice.

So there you have it, quick breakfast bar/apple/protein, meat/vegetable lunch, apple snack, (meat)/vegetable dinner, which makes it 4 meals a day because I am sure you will squize in another snack somewhere to reach the recommended 5 meals per day.

Improvements include:
- as mentioned, one vs. two meats per day
- 1 hour cardio exercise in the evening (example: jogging + music or stationary bike + movie). If you exercise 1 hour, drink 2 scoops (60 grams) of protein powder in the middle of your exercise.

Final words:
- Don't forget your needed 8 glasses of water per day
- When it comes to liquid, drink mostly water / fizzy water and diet sodas (as little as possible) and if you have to have alcohol pick white wine (the rule of alcohol = if you have to have it and you can not have the wine, pick the least sweet one with the least alcohol %)

Sunday 26 February 2012

Habits That You Can Change In Order to Lose Weight

Do you think you have put on a few extra pounds ever since you joined work? Well most of us do gain weight after we finish with our education and start working and there are numerous reasons for it, and controlling the weight gain is an even bigger challenge. Wondering how would you put brakes on the constant weight gain? Follow the points mentioned in the following section and see how easily you can beat the weight gain by shedding a few pounds every two weeks.

Drinking Hot Water
We all know that having a litre of water at the very start of the day helps us in suppressing hunger. However, drinking a glass of Luke warm water helps us a burn a few more calories as a result of increased metabolism. It is better if you can drink Luke warm water quite a few times in day, if possible, as it would result in a far higher number of calories being burnt.

Proper Sleep
Some people believe that too much of sleeping makes you gain weight, which is true to a certain extent, but not always. The first and foremost thing that you need to keep in mind is a proper sleep that should be no less than 6 hours and at the most 8 hours. You can obviously stretch on a few occasions, but a regular sleep of more than 8 hours would mean a reduced metabolism of your body for more than the expected amount.

Lessen Your Meals
You need to be very careful about you’re the amount of food you consume during your meals i.e. dinner and lunch. It is not that you should avoid all junk food and carbonated drinks, but you need to cut down on those as much as possible. We all know that it is tough to lessen the food intake, but we can certainly do so by drinking a couple of glasses of water few minutes before we start with our lunch or dinner. It would ensure that you have a feeling completeness even when you do not eat as much as you can actually!

Workouts are always important, but for people who have a very busy schedule finding time is a tough ask. If you really do not have the time for proper workout then the simplest thing you can do is by avoiding the elevator and taking the stairs, whenever possible.

Saturday 25 February 2012

5 ways to boost your metabolism and achieve a healthier weight loss

Unhealthily eating habits and a sedentary lifestyle are two of the leading reasons for obesity, recent studies have revealed. Yet by simply switching to a healthier lifestyle, you can ensure that your metabolism stays revved up and more importantly that you lose those dreaded excess pounds.

You see, your metabolism plays more of a pivotal part to your weight than you can imagine. In control of the rate at which your body uses up energy when you are not active, your basal metabolic rate can be the difference weight gain or permanent, natural weight loss. 

Luckily, you can now easily take control of your metabolism and experience the natural weight loss you crave without having to go on a diet or starve yourself.
All you need do is apply any one of the following 5 tips to your daily routine:

  • 1. Eat 5 to 6 small's meals throughout the day:
    Swap your 2 to 3 big meals a day, for smaller meals consisting of 300 calories. By ensuring within these meals that you consume a decent amount of complex carbohydrates (which can be found in grains, vegetables and fruits), you can keep your metabolism active throughout the day. Even more excitingly, by eating regularly you can resist the temptation to snack on sugary, high fat foods.
  • 2. Start your day with a healthy breakfast:
    Skipping breakfast is the worst thing you can do to your metabolism. If you force your body to wait for more than 16 hours for a meal, your body begins to believe you are starving and goes into starvation mode. And this is not good. Once in starvation mode your body then begins to store whatever food you eat, whilst going into energy saving mode - meaning your body is taking on weight without trying to burn it.
  • 3. Exercise:
    Altering your diet can only do so much to help your metabolism. To really succeed in achieving healthy weight loss you need to introduce exercise into your daily lifestyle. Try incorporating some aerobic activities such as running, walking, swimming or cycling into your day before you have breakfast. This will enable your body to burn off fat before you then throw in some stomach crunches and weights to speed up your metabolism.
  • 4. Get active:
    Exercise is not the only way to give your metabolism a jump start. Simply moving around throughout the day can make a difference. Try taking the stairs instead of the lift or going for a quick 5-10 minute walk on your lunch break. This will not only speed up your metabolism, but will keep you feeling refreshed.
  • 5. Take control of your drinking:
    We all know that alcohol is neither healthy for us nor good for our metabolism, so if you are genuinely looking for an instant way to get your metabolic rate back on track, try to cut down on your alcohol intake or completely cut it out of your life altogether. Not only will this reduce your calorie intake, but by then increasing your water intake too you can help your body to function more efficiently.

Friday 24 February 2012

Basic Guidelines for Sustainable Weight Loss

There are many ways to reduce body weight, but often the faster results may turn to be short-lasting, while maintaining a healthy weight loss over the time is often unsuccessful. If you've managed to lose some pounds but regain them later on, it's probably time to recall the basic guidelines for sustainable weight loss.

As almost everything regarding the human body, losing weight and keeping it off requires slow and gradual changes, in order to allow the body to adapt. To make maintaining healthy weight over the long-term possible, you need lifelong changes - implementing behavioral food choices and more physical activity, and try to slowly make them part of your everyday life.

To stay motivated you need to remember that if you are able to stop weight gain, you can improve your health. Even with relatively minor changes in reduction of body weight percentage. Proper nutrition and fitness levels are beneficial for health, even if for some reason they do not lead to the loss of weight.

If you want to maintain a lifelong healthy weight, it all comes to the balance of the energy needs of the body. Here are some of the basic guidelines for sustainable weight loss:

Shop Smart to Eat Right

Your body needs the right fuel to withstand and recover from the challenges of the busy stressful day. The best way to get all the vital nutrients you need, is by a diverse supply of nutrient-rich foods that can provide the necessary energy, vitamins and minerals, from all the different food groups. The more fresh and colorful your meals are - the greater variety of nutrients you will get.

Most of those smart food choices you can get from the local supermarket. You just have to look around for:
  • Fresh different-colored fruits and vegetables;
  • Various whole grain foods;
  • Low-fat dairy products;
  • Lean meat, poultry and fish for valuable amino acids.
Here's an easy tip: when you are snacking between meals, do it on a fruit or a vegetable, instead on a chocolate bar or chips. In this way you will get more fibre, vitamins and minerals, and less sugars, and fats.

Control Your Calories by Swapping Foods, not Excluding Them
One of the most serious nutritional reasons for over-weight problems is the high calorie content of foods with added fat and sugar, such as candies, snacks and soft drinks. To eat healthy does not mean you have to immediately exclude all the fat and sugar from your diet. As I've said at the beginning - it's about making small and gradual changes. Eating and drinking smaller portions can really make the difference to control the amount of energy and to decrease excessive calories.

To make changes more bearable and easy to undertake, the key is to moderate, not eliminate. Controlling portion sizes is a good example of how to cut weight off. To consume less sugar, you may limit your soft drink intake to one cup a day and switch to sparkling water the rest of the time.

Benefits of Eating Healthy and Exercising
To balance your daily calorie intake through proper nutritional choices is not enough. The other key moment is to expend more energy through intentional physical exercise, because most of us consume more calories a day, than we use up.

Except for maintaining sustainable weight loss, exercise is beneficial for improving the cardiovascular system and allowing the better and more complete absorption of nutrients. The recommended minimum for good health is 30 minutes of moderate to vigorous activity five days a week. To reach and maintain a healthy weight, you may need to be more physically active and slowly add up to your routine. Both cardio and resistant training are needed for strength and health. If you have a sedentary lifestyle, start participating in more physical activities. A brief 20-30 minutes walk in the park would add up and bring you a step closer to achieving your weight loss goal.

About the author:
Diyan Dimitrov specializes in the field of health, fitness, diet and nutrition. He is a writer at, who publishes articles on healthy weight management and creates objective weight loss pills review of popular brand names, based on clinical data, scientific information for safety, and user ratings.

Article Source:

Thursday 23 February 2012

Foremost Analyses as to Why You Don’t Do Well at Losing Weight

If you’re aiming to lose weight, it’s imperative to discover the proper tactics in order for the efforts you make to give you the results you desire. Nothing is more irritating than feeling as if you’re depriving yourself and working intensely and still not seeing a whole lot of change when you stand on a scale. To assist you in learning what could be stopping you from attaining your ambitions, we’ve pinpointed some distinctive reasons as to why a lot of people have problems lowering their weight.

Stress may be making it hard for you to lose weight. Several things can be the reason for this. Stress can make us feel the need to eat in order to relieve the tension. We also don’t choose the best foods in these situations. When the average person is stressed out, they go straight to the sweets and fast food, which are the most fattening and calorie-rich foods. Researchers believe that we’re more likely to choose high calorie foods when under stress because this is the body’s natural reaction to “fight or flight” type situations. You are also more likely to grab fast food rather than preparing a healthy meal when you are stressed.

Researchers have discovered one surprising fact: that those who don’t drink alcohol have more difficult time dropping weight compared to those who drink alcohol. Drinking alcoholic drinks can lead to health problems and obesity, so you limit your consumption of alcoholic drinks.

A lot of people discovered that drinking a glass of wine during dinner is a good way to reap its benefits. If you’re not into alcohol, there are still other options such as supplements or grape juice containing Resveratrol.

There is a ton of data that a deficiency in sleep can be an essential thing when it comes to adding on weight. When you don’t get enough sleep, it throws your whole metabolism out of whack, and this often means an unnatural increase in appetite. Plus, you are likely to feel petered out and you might attempt to compensate for this by eating more foods that will grant you energy, for instance sweets and carbs. So if you have an impediment to sleeping, you should take care of this issue, because there is a ton of hindrances connected to not getting the proper amount of sleep. If you have severe insomnia, you may need medical advice, but in many cases you can get more sleep by going to bed earlier and cutting back on the stimulants at night.

Indeed, you will feel frustrated that your weight loss efforts are failing despite your best efforts. You have to try various approaches including the scientific one complete with consultations with a doctor and a dietitian, if necessary. When the cause of the prior failures at weight loss has been identified, success can easily come to anyone. Always take a look at your lifestyle habits in relation to the abovementioned reasons for failure in weight loss and then adopt the necessary changes.

Wednesday 22 February 2012

Weight Loss Diets and Fat Free Happiness

Dieting today to lose weight tomorrow? Join the multitudes of obese or high BMI individuals dreaming fat free dreams, only to be let down by inconsistent diet plans or weak will. Weight loss diets are a mite many available freely and for a price, however nothing can substitute the individual drive and commitment to remaining free of extra weight. A grim reminder is the increase in heart and health related diseases occurring as a result of obesity. While weight loss diets are the only answer, the sincerity to the diet needs to be backed up by steely resolve and uncommon determination.

Weight loss diets involve consumption of healthy food, evolving healthy eating and exercising habits and drinking lots and lots of water. The human body is 70 % water and keeping it well hydrated keeps appetite in check while ensuring riddance of free radicals.

While many weight loss diets are popular, Atkins Diet and GM Diet being the more sought after, the essence of weight control lies in curbing appetite and consuming less energy than the body expends in a day. While this approach will leave you panting for more energy and drive you to early exhaustion, the positive effects of weight loss are often offset by increased muscle loss and excessive body tissue damage.

Thus a well regulated weight loss diet should concentrate on providing all the essential proteins and carbohydrates required by the body and cutting down on fat in all forms. In effect fat is substituted by healthier food such as natural fibre and carbohydrates which fill up the stomach early thus reducing appetite and burning fat at the same time.

A round of comprehensive physical exercise involving all muscle groups such as swimming or running should also be part of the plan to burn fat faster while maintaining a healthy body metabolism.

Weight loss diets consist of mostly water based foods such as fresh natural fruits and vegetables, supplemented with low fat and low sodium carbohydrates. Natural fibre rich foods also form an important part as they provide the much needed energy and help in burning fat.

Fish, whole grain breads, legumes and 5-6 servings of fruits and vegetables form the ideal weight loss diet while ensuring that the cooking is completely saturated oil and hydrogenated oil free. Drinking 10 glasses of water has been known to be much more effective than any weight loss diet.

Losing weight, rather unhealthy fat is essential towards maintaining a healthy profile and taking fewer trips to see your doctor. A balanced weight loss diet will put on the way but will need to be supported by a firm resolve to achieve a fat free tomorrow.

Tuesday 21 February 2012

Safe Tips For Seeing Fast Weight Loss

If you have made the decision to lose weight, you've got to set a goal. You also need a path to that goal. Make use of the tips listed to take off the pounds and get healthy, which will massively improve your confidence.

Green tea can boost your metabolism and help you lose weight. Try to add honey or another natural sweetener for taste. Black tea also has healthy ingredients. The antioxidants in green tea boost the body’s immune system and help flush toxins from the system.

Drinking plenty of water each day will help you reach your weight loss goals. By drinking water, you make yourself less likely to reach for sodas and other sugar beverages. Those sugary drinks add a big amount of unnecessary calories to your diet, which makes it harder for you to lose weight.

Make sure to stay away from pills and other things that promise weight loss that is too fast. You may lose some weight, but chances are you will gain it back.

To heighten awareness of your daily caloric consumption, try keeping a diary that catalogs the foods you eat. If you keep a record of what you eat, you can overcome mistakes that you may have not known about otherwise. Because everything ads up, seeing your food consumption will help you see what items you should cut back.

A lot of people mistakenly hide the fact they are on the path to weight loss. These people can support you and help you to stay on track. This will also help them to avoid treating you to unhealthy foods or beverages.

Change up your weight loss routine to have new-found success. You can be successful in your weight loss journey!

Monday 20 February 2012

Achieve Weight Loss by Cutting Carbs

Want to ditch the pounds? New research shows that you can achieve weight loss by cutting carbs. In the largest study of its type ever conducted, researchers at the University of Copenhagen monitored 772 families, comparing five different diets to see which was the most effective at maintaining weight loss. What they found was that the best way to achieve weight loss is by cutting carbs and increasing protein intake.

The European Diogenes diet study followed a total of 938 adults and 827 children, all of whom had lost weight on a low calorie (800 k/cal a day) diet over eight weeks. The subjects were then put on one of five different diets to see which was best at stopping them putting weight back on. The five diets were:
  • Low protein and low Glycaemic Index* (GI) diet
  • Low protein and high GI diet
  • High protein and low GI diet
  • High protein and high GI diet
  • Control diet (regular diet)
*Note: Food with a low GI causes the body's blood glucose levels to rise more slowly than those with a high GI.

The results? According to the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine, it was the high-protein, low GI diet that proved to be the most effective at keeping the lost weight off - indeed, the group who followed the high-protein, low GI diet were the only ones who didn't put the lost weight back on!

So why was the high-protein, low GI diet most effective at helping to keep weight off? There are likely to be two causes:

Low GI: Low GI diets lead to more stable blood glucose levels, which reduces the cravings for sugary carbohydrates that higher GI foods can produce.

High Protein: Protein is better at making us feel full than either carbs or fat, so people on a high protein diet feel more satisfied for longer, and are less likely to snack or make bad food choices.

So what does this mean for your food choices? Firstly, avoid high GI foods - these include sugar, white bread, white rice and other finely refined starch calories. You'll want to avoid fast foods and snack foods such as takeaways, sweets, biscuits, cakes and fizzy drinks. Instead, get your carbs from whole grains (whole grain bread and pasta and brown rice), and fresh fruits and vegetables.

In addition, you'll want to eat more protein - good sources include lean meat such as chicken breasts and lean cuts of beef and pork, fish, low-fat dairy products (milk, yoghurt and low fat cheese) and beans.

By eating foods with a higher protein content and reducing your intake of refined carbohydrates, you will feel full for longer, thus reducing your appetite.

Sunday 19 February 2012

A Diabetic Person’s Way To Lose Pounds

There are many things to watch out for when one is afflicted with diabetes. The most important thing is of course to watch for the diet and make sure they are correctly followed. The food regulates the blood sugar levels and thus is instrumental in maintaining the good health of the patient.

It is good to follow a diet, but more importantly, the other aspects may affect one in a degree more than one knows. So, it is better to consult a doctor and get his advice in the matter of diet. All the medications are supplements of the diet. This is why they should be always taken with care.

The dietician will draw out a plan and tell you what the best course to take is. The Diet may be hard to follow at first, but you will see the advantages as time passes and you will be in a better shape.

Most of us overdo the dieting bit and go to lengths like skipping meals. While the normal person may not feel the effects much, diabetics will feel the fatigue after only a few days. This is doubly so if they are not aware of the fact they are doing something wrong.

if one must reduce the food intake, the best way would be to eat little and eat frequently. This reduces the risk of under eating and makes one to balance out the diet with the nourishment that one needs. In most cases, the eating in this manner will solve the problem of maintaining a diet. People in cold countries are likely to eat more fat than those from the warmer countries. The carbohydrate intake is put at half of the total food intake. The rest of the food must be equally divided between fats and proteins.
Make exercises a daily part of one’s life. This is best for both the patient as well as the healthy person. Get your doctor to recommend the best exercises that will work for you.

Of course, eating specially prepared food will make the person to have a better life. This is not necessary. All that one has to do is eat regularly and eat healthy portions. This will increase the health of the patient.

Saturday 18 February 2012

Weight Loss!

The words weight and loss together have become a household word just as peanut butter and jelly are household words. Of course the two do not go together any more than putting cheese on a bowl of cereal. People of all ages have been struggling with weight loss for years and it never seems to go away. It inflicts people of all ages, male and female. There is no discriminating when weight is concerned.

In today’s commercialized world, there are hundreds, and most likely, thousands of products and programs on the market that advertise that they have the solution to your weight loss problems. Do any of them work or are they just all hype?

If you are concerned about your weight, you can do a simple search online and find just about any kind of weight loss product and /or program available. But what works? Is there one that is better than the rest, or is there a secret that hasn’t been discovered yet? Can people really take off the amount of weight desired and keep it off without a constant struggle and live normally? Do any of them work? Do they all work in their own way as long as people follow the directions? I could probably write an entire article filled with just these kinds of questions people ask themselves every day when struggling with weight loss.

Many people will go to the doctor for help and will get some sort of diet and exercise program recommended. Some go online in search of the miracle product. Some see an advertisement on TV and pick up the phone and order the product. There are pills, machines, special foods packaged along with a name and a program and many more. Why are there so many programs on the market today, yet the problem doesn’t seem to be going away?

What can someone conclude when looking at all the new products, all the new programs that are being released to the consumer every week? Is there a miracle pill or program that will work for everyone or is everyone different? The main thing is that you must be determined and disciplined in order to be successful. If you aren’t, there is no pill, food, program, machine or doctor in the world that will help you lose weight.

With each program, you must be careful not to go overboard. They can be dangerous if not followed. Follow the directions, be disciplined and your goals can be reached.

Friday 17 February 2012

Top 5 Healthy Snack Food Swaps

Trying to cut the calories? Try these healthy snack food swaps to boost your health and slim your waistline.

Snacking has been the downfall of many a woman's healthy diet; at work, at home or out shopping - who hasn't succumbed to the dreaded munchies at one point or another? Unfortunately for us, snack foods tend to be sugary, fatty, salty and highly processed; in other words, a surefire recipe for weight gain and heart disease. But fear not, help is finally at hand - read on to find out how to trade in those nasty chips and cookies for yummy, healthy foods which are much kinder to both your body and your waistline! 

Save calories - swap chips for olives

Chips are one of the most popular snack choices for women today, but they are also among the worst as far as your health is concerned - did you know that just one small packet can contain more than 200kcal? Worse, chips are also notoriously high in salt, the infamous "silent killer" which contributes to the development of hypertension and heart disease.

Olives, due to their naturally savory flavor, are the perfect replacement for this unhealthy snack. A portion of four contains around 30kcal, and provides a great source of "good" unsaturated fat and essential fatty acids like Omega 3 - both of which have been proven to boost mood and protect against heart disease. Olives are also rich in vitamin E, a fantastic antioxidant which helps to keep skin supple and clear. 

Swap ice-cream for healthy snack frozen yogurt

The sweet flavor and smooth texture of ice-cream make it another favorite snack food. Unfortunately, all that cream also renders the foodstuff highly-calorific; just one cup of the chocolate variety can set you back a whopping 300kcal. Ice-cream is also full of saturated fat, a substance which forms "bad" LDL cholesterol in the body, blocking arteries and causing heart disease.

Swap it for frozen yogurt, a snack which is equally delicious yet half as fattening - one portion contains around 160kcal. Frozen yoghurt is not only diet-friendly; it's also a great source of calcium. This mineral is key in the prevention of bone diseases such as osteoporosis, a condition which is becoming increasingly common in western society.

Swap cookies for dried fruit

Cookies are among the worst offenders of the snack world. All those chocolate chips and butter mean a shockingly high calorie count - a snack of just three can contain up to 200kcal! The sugar content of cookies is especially unhealthy; not only do such high levels of extrinsic sugar cause tooth decay, they also result in hyperactivity and mood swings.

Opt instead for a small handful of dried fruit - mango, blueberries and apricots are among the most healthy and delicious. Dried fruit is a natural and healthy sugar fix rich in vitamins and minerals, especially iron. Not only this, but a small, mixed portion contains a waistline-friendly 114kcal.

Swap fries for sweet potato chips

Fries are yet another nutrition no-no when it comes to snacking. Each morsel is super-high in trans/hydrogenated fat, which is just as bad as the saturated variety in terms of artery-blocking potential. Worse, a medium-sized portion of around 130g will set you back more than 420kcal.

Swap them for sweet potato chips. Sweet potatoes (otherwise known as yams) are rich in beta-carotene, a miracle-working antioxidant vitamin which helps to protect against cancer and heart disease. Simply chop one potato into thin slices, roast for 20-30 minutes with a little oil and enjoy, safe in the knowledge that a cup-sized serving contains just 180kcal.

Swap hot chocolate for a fresh fruit smoothie

Hot chocolate is loved by many women across the globe, but few realize how calorie-laden the drink actually is - with the addition of whipped cream, one cup can contain as much as 190kcal. Instant "just add hot water" versions of the snack are also high in additives, such as flavorings and preservatives, many of which have been linked to cancer and hyperactivity.
Opt instead for a fresh fruit smoothie. Smoothies often contain as little as 130kcal, and are packed with vitamins and antioxidants. Try blending strawberries and honeydew melon with water or low-fat milk and enjoy delicious diet-friendly refreshment.

Thursday 16 February 2012

Health Benefits of Weight Loss

What are the tangible health benefits of weight loss? There are countless articles that have been written about dieting. Many focus on how to maximize weight loss, or the latest fad diet that will magically transform your figure. Two absolute truths when it comes to diet are that in order to be successful one must reduce caloric intake and also increase physical activity and exercise. I would like to examine the health risks of obesity and most importantly the health benefits of weight loss.

The health risks associated with obesity are described. "Poor nutrition and physical inactivity account for some 300,000 premature deaths in the United States each year. Obesity-related illness results in hundreds of thousands of preventable deaths each year in the United States and billions of dollars in health care costs."

Increasingly the path towards obesity is starting at an early age. The contributing behaviors of overeating, poor eating habits, and a sedentary lifestyle are ingrained at a young age. Trying to overcome these learned behaviors to achieve a sustainable weight loss is very difficult. The Centers for Disease Control list several significant health issues related to being obese and they include:
  • High blood cholesterol
  • Diabetes
  • Congestive heart failure
  • Cholescystitis and cholelithiasis
  • Gout
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Some types of cancer (such as endometrial, breast, prostate, and colon)
  • Complications of pregnancy
  • Poor female reproductive health (such as menstrual irregularities, infertility, irregular ovulation)
  • Bladder control problems (such as stress incontinence)
  • Psychological disorders (such as depression, eating disorders, distorted body image, and low self- esteem)
Successful and sustained weight loss can lead to many health benefits. Specifically, improved survival for those with type 2 diabetes, a reduction of blood pressure, increased lung capacity, and improved sleep.

I thought it would be most helpful to present an actual email that I received from an individual describing his weight loss and the immediate benefits.

David writes, "FYI... I have lost 57 lbs in the last 4.5 months. I have been doing it on my own by dramatically cutting down on carbs and limiting my daily caloric intake. The motivation has been to try to get down to a weight level where I can either stop taking some of the drugs I am taking i.e. blood pressure, diabetes, cholesterol or at least decrease the amount I am taking. As you most likely realize, being grossly overweight causes many other problems in addition to the ones mentioned above. I have suffered from back pain, breathing problems, sleep apnea, etc. for many years. I am happy to share with you that the back pain is almost gone. I took a breathing test today and my lungs have gone from 60% capacity to 86%! Finally, the sleep apnea is also GONE..."

One can achieve any dream or goal by insuring that your daily actions are consistent with your core beliefs. Because positive life changes are in harmony with your value system and motivated by your desire to aid your favorite charity or non profit you are sure to succeed. As you encounter daily success you begin to realize that you are in control of your life, able to make proactive and positive decisions, and gain self-confidence.

Article Source:

Tuesday 14 February 2012

Exercise Melts Body Fat

If you want to reduce your body fat, focus on increasing the amount of exercise you get rather than decreasing your food intake. A recent national study was done using two groups of sedentary men, one group in their 20's and the other over age 65. A lot was learned from this accumulated data and it is interesting to note that there was a significant relationship between lack of physical activity and fat. Not surprisingly, the most sedentary men had the most body fat.

These studies have also indicated that the governments current recommended daily allowance for calories does not correlate with the body's actual energy needs. For example, although 2400 calories have been calculated for older men, they in fact burned an average of 2800 calories daily.

The leading experts now recommend that people who want to lose weight start increasing their physical activity. Just being more active in general (such as climbing the stairs instead of taking the elevator, moving around instead of sitting still, sitting up instead of lying down as well as showing some excitement and enthusiasm instead of boredom), are things that more effectively burns calories and reduces body fat. Everyone seems to have lost sight of the value of being active. Consider this, a half-hour aerobic workout accounts for far less energy expenditure than our minute-to-minute movement in the office or at home.

Millions of people are trying to lose weight, spending approximately $30 billion a year on diet programs and products, often they do lose some weight. But, if you check with the same people five years later, you will find that nearly all have regained whatever weight they lost. A national panel recently sought data to determine if any commercial diet program could prove long-term success. Not a single program could do so. Being seriously overweight and particularly obesity predisposes individuals to a number of diseases and serious health problems, and it's now a known fact that when caloric intake is excessive, some of the excess frequently is saturated fat.

People who diet without exercising often get fatter with time. Although your weight may initially drop while dieting, such weight loss consists mostly of water and muscle. When the weight returns, it comes back as fat. To avoid getting fatter over time, increase your metabolism by exercising regularly.

Walking is one of the best exercises for strengthening bones, controlling weight, toning the leg muscles, maintaining good posture and improving positive self-concept. To lose weight, it's more important to walk for time than speed. Walking at a moderate pace yields longer workouts with less soreness - leading t more miles and more fat worked off on a regular basis. High intensity walks on alternate days help condition one's system. But in a walking, weight-loss program, you are not requried to walk an hour every day as some people would have you believe.

When it comes to good health and weight loss, exercise and diet are inter-related. Exercising without maintaining a balanced diet is no more beneficial than dieting whle remaining inactive.

Monday 13 February 2012

The Dangers of Rapid Weight Loss: you should know

Are you interested in losing weight? If you are, are you looking for a rapid weight loss? Rapid weight loss, also commonly referred to as quick weight loss or fast weight loss, involves losing weight in a short period of time, often anywhere from two to seven days.

Each year, in the United States, hundreds of thousands of Americans are interested in rapidly losing weight. Many people wish to lose weight before an important event, like an upcoming vacation or a wedding. While it is defiantly possible to understand how you can want to lose weight quickly, namely as fast as possible, you need to proceed with caution. Although it is possible to lose weight, at least a little bit of it, in a relatively quick period of time, you should know that there are dangers associated with doing so.

One of the many dangers of rapid weight loss is some of the many measures that some people take. For instance, it is common to hear of individuals who have decided not to eat, while trying to achieve a rapid weight loss. Going without food, for even a short period of time, can be dangerous to your health. A better alternative is to cut back on the food that you do eat or to just make sure that it is healthy foods in which you are eating. By limiting your calories, you should be able to achieve at least a small weight loss in the time that you were looking to. It is just very important that you do eat.

In addition to eating healthy, another component of weight loss is exercise. Unfortunately, many individuals do not realize that it can take up to one week to notice the signs of exercise. With that in mind, the more weight you need to lose, the sooner it is that you may start seeing results. While exercise is a major component of losing weight, it is important that you do not overdo it, especially if you haven’t had a regular exercise plan. Running on the treadmill for three hours, instead of thirty minutes, may help reduce your calorie intake, but, at the same time, it may also land you in the hospital.

Another problem that is often associated with rapid weight loss is the taking of medications or other weight loss products. The good news is that many of these products do work and some are even safe, but you may not be able to tell what you are getting. If you are interested in using a weight loss product, like a diet pill or a cleanse, to help you lose weight, it is important that you do the proper amount of research first. This research may involve checking product reviews, to see if the product is effective, or speaking with a healthcare professional.

As you can see, it is important that you proceed with caution when trying to achieve rapid weight loss. Although unexpected events or appearances do popup, most individuals have at least a months worth of notice before attending a large event, like a wedding or even a vacation. As soon as you know about your upcoming event, you are advised to start trying to lose weight then, if you are interested in doing so. Rapid weight loss can be dangerous; therefore, you shouldn’t rely on it if possible.

Sunday 12 February 2012

Stop Excusing Yourself From Losing Weight and Lose Weight

People who are over weight usually do great injustice to themselves by excusing themselves from really losing weight. One thing that I have learned is that excuses cannot help you or me. It is only when we look at our personal problem straight in the eye and then acknowledge them as a problem that we hate are we able to really do something about it.

Many people will convince themselves that their weight is not too bad or perhaps blame everything from genes to heredity and thus blind them selves of the need to lose those unwanted pounds. In this article I will attempt to lay down some of the excuses that people give to stay over weight and perhaps make comments as to why there is the need to be truthful about our weight situation and then zoom down on it to obliterate it from our lives. Shakespeare once said "to thin self be true" and in this article we will be true and out of that openness and self acceptance, we may be able to conquer the self sabotage that we do through excuses.

The following are some of the excuses we give to ourselves to stay fat:
(1) My metabolism is not good
(2) My genes are bad
(3) My thyroid is bad
(4) I am okay because I eat "fat free" or "low fat" foods
(5) Losing weight is too hard for me
(6) I am a fit and "good looking" fat person
(7) My body has reached the ideal weight where I cannot lose weight any more. And this list is by no means exhaustive.

I am sure you can identify with some of the excuses listed above that we make to ourselves so as to continue staying fat. But these are fallacies that we must obliterate from our minds as we try to lose weight. Loosing weight does not hurt you in any way but it does help you look good and also feel healthy and enjoy your life.

There are some people in this world that will do everything they can do to prevent themselves from looking at their problems to help eliminate it. They do this because they are afraid of the problem itself or perhaps the cost and effort that it will take to actually do something about it. They will then stop at nothing to convince themselves that not doing anything about the problem is a better choice. Like everything, we must be honest with ourselves when it comes to losing weight.

We must face the weight issues that confront us and then do something about it quickly; that is to lose the weight and be happy. We must stop putting all the blame on our metabolism. It has nothing to do with it but rather it has everything to do with the quality and quantity of foods that we eat. A lot of people who are over weight are like that because they eat junk foods and also eat too much of them.

Even though metabolism may play a part in overweight situations especially as we age, it nonetheless is not the main or only reasons why we become obese. No matter how slow one's metabolism may be, given the right kind of food and exercise, it can be sped up to help one lose the weight.

Blaming our genes as the culprit when it comes to losing weight is like blaming a car accident on the car itself instead of the driver. While genes can cause some people to struggle with their weight loss effort, if the right kinds of foods and exercise are employed, they will definitely lose weight.

It is true that a bad thyroid can cause one to struggle with weight loss but I want to tell you that very few people have that kind of problem so there may be a chance that you do not have that problem. Your doctor can run a test to help you determine whether you have an under active thyroid problem and then suggest antidotes for its treatment if it is found out that you have that problem.

Some people think that because they eat "fat free" or "low fat" foods they are free from being over weight. The truth cannot be further from this. Even though most food manufacturers took the fat from the foods they nonetheless replaced it with sugar which goes into the blood stream directory and eventually turn into fat any ways. So as you can see the fact that foods are labeled "fat free" or "low fat" does not mean that it is safe to overeat.

The problem is not how much fat is in the food but the problem is our behavior towards food. Even though some people will take the easy route out by simply convincing themselves that they cannot lose weight the truth of the matter is that every one can lose weight. You see, the body records every calories or food energy that you put into your body.

So if you think you cannot lose weight may be what you need to do is to cut your food into half for example and your calorie intake will be cut into half and as time goes on you will see the pounds coming off. It is very rare to see someone medically proclaimed as impossible to lose weight. I cannot conceive you that such a situation even exists in the world. Cut down the food intake and the pounds will come down immediately or with time.

No matter how much people try to convince themselves that they are fat but fit, I cannot see that as true. A fit person is healthy, energized, can bend and stretch up easily without any difficulties and has all their internal systems working correctly. This is not true for fat people. Even though a fat person may feel great perhaps they are young, as they grow up some few years beyond their youth, they may start experiencing health issues.

So if you think you are fat but healthy, I am happy for you that you feel healthy but not happy for you that you are fat. Drop that mindset and do something about the weight because these things have a way of slowly sneaking up their ugly effect on people with time.

Some people who are over weight may try to eat the right foods and then exercise but as soon as they loose some few pounds they will just quit their efforts because they think that they have reached the ultimate level of losing weight and that to them they have no more weight to lose. The only thing that cannot lose weight is the bones themselves but as long as one has some flesh to their skin, they can always lose some few ounces or pounds beyond the weight they think they cannot lose weight from. So when it comes to losing weight, there are no plateaus.

Friday 10 February 2012

The Easiest Way To Lose Weight

If you think there is no easy way to lose weight - think again. The easiest weight loss method could have been staring you right in the face all this time.

Here it goes:

* Stop drinking soft drinks. Drink water instead.

Dumping the soft drinks from your
diet will result in dropping some serious pounds. Think about it:

* A can of coke packs in 150
* Just 3 cans of coke add up to 450 calories.

Now, you are in for a shock: a quarter-
pound cheeseburger sets you back by only 360 calories, which is less than those 3 cans of coke. Now, what would you rather have: a warm juicy cheeseburger or the sugary water from the can?

If you currently drink 3 soda cans a day, you can save 450 daily calories by switching to plain water. Water has zero calories. Let's do the math: since one pound of fat equals to 3500 calories, you will lose roughly one pound per week just by leaving the coke behind.

Yes, you've heard it right - you can lose a pound of fat every week while you eat as much as you normally do. No dieting, no starving - don't change a thing about what you eat. The only thing you change is what you drink.

Now, let's do some more math, which gets better and better. 1 lb per week equals 4 pounds per month. Multiply 4 pounds by 12 months, and we get 48 lbs of ugly fat per year!

Unbelievable, huh?

savings on drinks provide you with yet another advantage: you can now eat more and still lose weight. For example, if you substituted 3 cans of soda every day with water, you have 450 calories to play with. If you eat an extra piece of chocolate that's worth 200 calories, you still save 250 calories and lose 24 lbs per year.

I can now almost hear you say - "Wow, what if I don't drink 3 cans of coke a day? I only drink one soft drink for lunch!" Good for you! Now, consider this: if you swap this lunchtime coke with water, you will lose 16 pounds per year. How's that for a freebie weight loss?

Since soft drinks don't make you full, it is very easy to dump them. Drinks are "liquid calories", "empty calories" - calories that are just not worth it. Soda drinks have no nutritional value - just useless sugars and chemicals that rot your teeth, make you gain
weight and don't even fill you up.

Take advantage of the easiest weight loss tip on Earth -eat your calories, don't drink them.

Thursday 9 February 2012

What is Calorie Counting?

It is easier to lose weight when you understand the necessity for calorie counting.

A calorie is a unit of energy which is released from the food you eat in order to power your body.

Generally speaking, when you eat more calories than you burn, you will put on weight. Moreover, when you eat around the same as you burn, you should maintain your weight. However, for weight loss it is necessary to eat less and burn more.

Calorie Counting for Weight Loss


First, you must determine your daily calorie needs.
Your basic bodily functions require energy. For example: digestion, circulation, respiration, temperature regulation, cell construction and every other metabolic process in your body. This daily calorie requirement is called Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR). Your BMR does not include physical activity.

If your BMR is around 2200 calories and you participate in moderate exercise, then your daily calorie needs would be around 3000 calories. If you are wanting to lose weight, you will need to reduce your calorie intake by 15% - 20%. Therefore, your caloric intake would be around 2400 calories.

Second, set out your calorie intake for the day.
Eat at reqular intervals during the day. For example, you may follow this meal schedule.
  • #1 Meal - 600 Calories
  • Snack - 200 Calories
  • #2 Meal - 600 Calories
  • Snack - 200 Calories
  • #3 Meal - 600 Calories
  • Snack - 200 Calories
The total calorie intake for the day would be 2400 calories.

Calorie Counting for weight loss is necessary for getting into shape and healthy living.

Of course, there is much more to learn about calorie counting for weight loss. But you can lose weight by choosing the right foods to eat and making exercise a part of your day.

Wednesday 8 February 2012

Tips for Better Health and More Energy in the New Year

Ready to get a fresh start then begin your action plan for better health and more energy. Here are a few tips to get you started:

1. Cut 100 calories from your daily eating. You’ll lose 10 lbs in a year. Cut 200 calories. Lose 20 lbs. Begin with achievable goals – skip a slice of bread, use less dressing or mayonnaise, etc. We can all find those little extras we can live without, painlessly. Take one step at a time.

2. Manage portions. Know that a deck of cards = 3 oz meat/fish/poultry protein; a golf ball holds 2 tablespoons dressing. These amounts are appropriate for weight loss or management. Consider what other portion adjustments could help you most.

3. Include protein at each meal. Protein sustains energy and keeps appetite in check. Include a 3 oz protein portion at lunch and dinner. At breakfast, try 2 egg whites (or 1 egg ), 1 cup milk or yogurt, and one of the following: 1 tablespoon peanut butter or 1 cup Kashi cereal or a slice of lean ham or 1 slice 2%-fat cheese. Each of these meals contains 25-35 protein grams…..very satisfying!

4. Eat breakfast. Many studies show breakfast eaters eat better the rest of the day, as well as fewer calories and less fat, compared to breakfast skippers. Breakfast also jumpstarts morning energy and brain-power.

5. Eat slowly. You feel full and eat less….automatically.

6. Chew gum in place of a snack. You can save a typical snack’s 200-300 calories.

7. Burn 200 calories from 30 minutes of aerobic activity you enjoy daily. You’ll lose 20 lbs a year.

8. Drink 64 oz water a day – 24 oz when you wake up, 24 oz mid-day, 24 oz before and after workouts…and even more later. The more, the better.

9. Pick one habit to change. Healthier snacks. One less soda. Less TV noshing. Begin meals with an appetite suppressant: salad, fresh fruit, cup of soup, hot tea.

10. Surround yourself with support. Get your family, friends and colleagues involved with like goals. A work-force is a powerful source of all-day-long support.

Tuesday 7 February 2012

Balanced Weight Loss Diets

Composition of energy value and preparation of food ration is called a diet. A balanced diet is necessary. More fruits and vegetables and a variety of diet should be taken. The best method is to follow a diet plan. A diet plan should be followed strictly for weight loss. Otherwise, health problems like tension, heart attack, cholesterol and diabetes may occur. Diet planning should be followed regularly otherwise it will lead back to obesity. A balanced weight loss diet is one that provides all nutrients necessary for the body.

While on a weight loss program, soup is a supplement and vegetables can be substituted according to taste. Vegetables like asparagus, peas, corn, turnips, cauliflower etc. can be added but beans should be avoided because they are high in calories.

Food containing low calories and low saturated fats should be taken. This makes the body healthier and wards off diseases. Proteins, carbohydrates and vitamins should be taken in regular quantity. Carbohydrates should be less in quantity. Dairy products rich in fat should be avoided. All these measures help people live longer.

A balanced weight loss diet is the diet that gives all the necessary nutrients. A Weight loss diet does not ask you to starve. We should take food to gain energy and keep ourselves active. Weight loss diet replaces damaged tissues and cells through proteins, vitamins and minerals that we take in. The more active we are the more energy we need. So it is essential to eat a well balanced diet. A right combination of cereals, vegetables, fruits, milk, yogurt etc should be taken. Enough food provides energy for the body but more food stores it as fat to put on weight.

Lots of melon is recommended the first day. Chances are that you lose 3lbs.
DAY 2: Stuff yourselves with all vegetables-unlimited amount or type.
DAY3: Mix fruits and vegetables-except bananas and potatoes.
DAY4: Eat as much as eight bananas and three glasses of milk.
DAY5: Eat 10 oz of lean beef and six tomatoes. Increase water intake to clean the body of uric acid.
DAY6: Eat unlimited amount of beef and vegetables.
DAY7: Take brown rice, all vegetables and fruit juice.

High protein and low carbohydrates food should be taken. Dairy products and fat products should be avoided. Cholesterol leads to heart problems and carbohydrates change into fats. Vegetables, chicken, grains, fish and nuts, which are protein rich and low in calcium, add to diet plans. Regular exercises and walking is a must. This helps in burning excess fat. A balanced weight loss diet provides the nutrients necessary for your body.

Quality as well as quantity of food should be taken close care of. Some tips are:- Milk can be used in place of cream in coffee and eat vegetable salads and drink fruit flavored water.

Advantages of weight loss diet foods:

A diet full of fresh fruits and vegetables not only gives vitamins, nutrition and minerals but also acts as a good antioxidant which wipes out free radicals and plays an imperative role in making us healthy and younger thus enabling us to lose weight in a natural way.

Monday 6 February 2012

Fake Weight Loss Claims : Identify Them

Its crowded..really crowded..every other site offers Weight Loss Programs and guarantees loss of weight quickly and effectively. But do they really live upto it? Does Loss of Weight remain with time or the individual regains the weight after some time? The answer to these question differentiates between genuine Weight Loss Programs and fake Weight Loss Programs . 

Things to Watch out for :-
1) One product can't serve the needs of all people. Programs which claim to work for all types of masses is a BIG NO. 

Tip: Look out for programs which reads your body needs and body structure and how your Metabolism works . 

2) Programs which assures permanent Weight Loss , even after you don't use the product . Mark it Fake. 

Tip: You have to follow the Diet Plan and exercise on a daily basis. Walking or Jogging daily helps a lot. 

3) Programs which allow you to eat anything you want. Believe me this is fake also. How can you on this earth remain fit by eating anything or everything you want. 

Tip: You need to take a BALANCED DIET with the proper amount of calories, fat and other nutrients. 

4) Be careful with programs that claim to reduce more than two pounds a week. Such programs will disturb your Metabolism and digestive system to great extent.

Tip: Loose upto 1 or 2 Pound Per week. 

5) Programs which have products that are to be applied on your body or something like that will NEVER NEVER work for you. 

Tip: The best and the most successful way to loose weight is to follow a Diet Plan and Exercise daily.