Friday 24 February 2012

Basic Guidelines for Sustainable Weight Loss

There are many ways to reduce body weight, but often the faster results may turn to be short-lasting, while maintaining a healthy weight loss over the time is often unsuccessful. If you've managed to lose some pounds but regain them later on, it's probably time to recall the basic guidelines for sustainable weight loss.

As almost everything regarding the human body, losing weight and keeping it off requires slow and gradual changes, in order to allow the body to adapt. To make maintaining healthy weight over the long-term possible, you need lifelong changes - implementing behavioral food choices and more physical activity, and try to slowly make them part of your everyday life.

To stay motivated you need to remember that if you are able to stop weight gain, you can improve your health. Even with relatively minor changes in reduction of body weight percentage. Proper nutrition and fitness levels are beneficial for health, even if for some reason they do not lead to the loss of weight.

If you want to maintain a lifelong healthy weight, it all comes to the balance of the energy needs of the body. Here are some of the basic guidelines for sustainable weight loss:

Shop Smart to Eat Right

Your body needs the right fuel to withstand and recover from the challenges of the busy stressful day. The best way to get all the vital nutrients you need, is by a diverse supply of nutrient-rich foods that can provide the necessary energy, vitamins and minerals, from all the different food groups. The more fresh and colorful your meals are - the greater variety of nutrients you will get.

Most of those smart food choices you can get from the local supermarket. You just have to look around for:
  • Fresh different-colored fruits and vegetables;
  • Various whole grain foods;
  • Low-fat dairy products;
  • Lean meat, poultry and fish for valuable amino acids.
Here's an easy tip: when you are snacking between meals, do it on a fruit or a vegetable, instead on a chocolate bar or chips. In this way you will get more fibre, vitamins and minerals, and less sugars, and fats.

Control Your Calories by Swapping Foods, not Excluding Them
One of the most serious nutritional reasons for over-weight problems is the high calorie content of foods with added fat and sugar, such as candies, snacks and soft drinks. To eat healthy does not mean you have to immediately exclude all the fat and sugar from your diet. As I've said at the beginning - it's about making small and gradual changes. Eating and drinking smaller portions can really make the difference to control the amount of energy and to decrease excessive calories.

To make changes more bearable and easy to undertake, the key is to moderate, not eliminate. Controlling portion sizes is a good example of how to cut weight off. To consume less sugar, you may limit your soft drink intake to one cup a day and switch to sparkling water the rest of the time.

Benefits of Eating Healthy and Exercising
To balance your daily calorie intake through proper nutritional choices is not enough. The other key moment is to expend more energy through intentional physical exercise, because most of us consume more calories a day, than we use up.

Except for maintaining sustainable weight loss, exercise is beneficial for improving the cardiovascular system and allowing the better and more complete absorption of nutrients. The recommended minimum for good health is 30 minutes of moderate to vigorous activity five days a week. To reach and maintain a healthy weight, you may need to be more physically active and slowly add up to your routine. Both cardio and resistant training are needed for strength and health. If you have a sedentary lifestyle, start participating in more physical activities. A brief 20-30 minutes walk in the park would add up and bring you a step closer to achieving your weight loss goal.

About the author:
Diyan Dimitrov specializes in the field of health, fitness, diet and nutrition. He is a writer at, who publishes articles on healthy weight management and creates objective weight loss pills review of popular brand names, based on clinical data, scientific information for safety, and user ratings.

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