Saturday 25 February 2012

5 ways to boost your metabolism and achieve a healthier weight loss

Unhealthily eating habits and a sedentary lifestyle are two of the leading reasons for obesity, recent studies have revealed. Yet by simply switching to a healthier lifestyle, you can ensure that your metabolism stays revved up and more importantly that you lose those dreaded excess pounds.

You see, your metabolism plays more of a pivotal part to your weight than you can imagine. In control of the rate at which your body uses up energy when you are not active, your basal metabolic rate can be the difference weight gain or permanent, natural weight loss. 

Luckily, you can now easily take control of your metabolism and experience the natural weight loss you crave without having to go on a diet or starve yourself.
All you need do is apply any one of the following 5 tips to your daily routine:

  • 1. Eat 5 to 6 small's meals throughout the day:
    Swap your 2 to 3 big meals a day, for smaller meals consisting of 300 calories. By ensuring within these meals that you consume a decent amount of complex carbohydrates (which can be found in grains, vegetables and fruits), you can keep your metabolism active throughout the day. Even more excitingly, by eating regularly you can resist the temptation to snack on sugary, high fat foods.
  • 2. Start your day with a healthy breakfast:
    Skipping breakfast is the worst thing you can do to your metabolism. If you force your body to wait for more than 16 hours for a meal, your body begins to believe you are starving and goes into starvation mode. And this is not good. Once in starvation mode your body then begins to store whatever food you eat, whilst going into energy saving mode - meaning your body is taking on weight without trying to burn it.
  • 3. Exercise:
    Altering your diet can only do so much to help your metabolism. To really succeed in achieving healthy weight loss you need to introduce exercise into your daily lifestyle. Try incorporating some aerobic activities such as running, walking, swimming or cycling into your day before you have breakfast. This will enable your body to burn off fat before you then throw in some stomach crunches and weights to speed up your metabolism.
  • 4. Get active:
    Exercise is not the only way to give your metabolism a jump start. Simply moving around throughout the day can make a difference. Try taking the stairs instead of the lift or going for a quick 5-10 minute walk on your lunch break. This will not only speed up your metabolism, but will keep you feeling refreshed.
  • 5. Take control of your drinking:
    We all know that alcohol is neither healthy for us nor good for our metabolism, so if you are genuinely looking for an instant way to get your metabolic rate back on track, try to cut down on your alcohol intake or completely cut it out of your life altogether. Not only will this reduce your calorie intake, but by then increasing your water intake too you can help your body to function more efficiently.

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