Wednesday 22 February 2012

Weight Loss Diets and Fat Free Happiness

Dieting today to lose weight tomorrow? Join the multitudes of obese or high BMI individuals dreaming fat free dreams, only to be let down by inconsistent diet plans or weak will. Weight loss diets are a mite many available freely and for a price, however nothing can substitute the individual drive and commitment to remaining free of extra weight. A grim reminder is the increase in heart and health related diseases occurring as a result of obesity. While weight loss diets are the only answer, the sincerity to the diet needs to be backed up by steely resolve and uncommon determination.

Weight loss diets involve consumption of healthy food, evolving healthy eating and exercising habits and drinking lots and lots of water. The human body is 70 % water and keeping it well hydrated keeps appetite in check while ensuring riddance of free radicals.

While many weight loss diets are popular, Atkins Diet and GM Diet being the more sought after, the essence of weight control lies in curbing appetite and consuming less energy than the body expends in a day. While this approach will leave you panting for more energy and drive you to early exhaustion, the positive effects of weight loss are often offset by increased muscle loss and excessive body tissue damage.

Thus a well regulated weight loss diet should concentrate on providing all the essential proteins and carbohydrates required by the body and cutting down on fat in all forms. In effect fat is substituted by healthier food such as natural fibre and carbohydrates which fill up the stomach early thus reducing appetite and burning fat at the same time.

A round of comprehensive physical exercise involving all muscle groups such as swimming or running should also be part of the plan to burn fat faster while maintaining a healthy body metabolism.

Weight loss diets consist of mostly water based foods such as fresh natural fruits and vegetables, supplemented with low fat and low sodium carbohydrates. Natural fibre rich foods also form an important part as they provide the much needed energy and help in burning fat.

Fish, whole grain breads, legumes and 5-6 servings of fruits and vegetables form the ideal weight loss diet while ensuring that the cooking is completely saturated oil and hydrogenated oil free. Drinking 10 glasses of water has been known to be much more effective than any weight loss diet.

Losing weight, rather unhealthy fat is essential towards maintaining a healthy profile and taking fewer trips to see your doctor. A balanced weight loss diet will put on the way but will need to be supported by a firm resolve to achieve a fat free tomorrow.

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