Monday 20 February 2012

Achieve Weight Loss by Cutting Carbs

Want to ditch the pounds? New research shows that you can achieve weight loss by cutting carbs. In the largest study of its type ever conducted, researchers at the University of Copenhagen monitored 772 families, comparing five different diets to see which was the most effective at maintaining weight loss. What they found was that the best way to achieve weight loss is by cutting carbs and increasing protein intake.

The European Diogenes diet study followed a total of 938 adults and 827 children, all of whom had lost weight on a low calorie (800 k/cal a day) diet over eight weeks. The subjects were then put on one of five different diets to see which was best at stopping them putting weight back on. The five diets were:
  • Low protein and low Glycaemic Index* (GI) diet
  • Low protein and high GI diet
  • High protein and low GI diet
  • High protein and high GI diet
  • Control diet (regular diet)
*Note: Food with a low GI causes the body's blood glucose levels to rise more slowly than those with a high GI.

The results? According to the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine, it was the high-protein, low GI diet that proved to be the most effective at keeping the lost weight off - indeed, the group who followed the high-protein, low GI diet were the only ones who didn't put the lost weight back on!

So why was the high-protein, low GI diet most effective at helping to keep weight off? There are likely to be two causes:

Low GI: Low GI diets lead to more stable blood glucose levels, which reduces the cravings for sugary carbohydrates that higher GI foods can produce.

High Protein: Protein is better at making us feel full than either carbs or fat, so people on a high protein diet feel more satisfied for longer, and are less likely to snack or make bad food choices.

So what does this mean for your food choices? Firstly, avoid high GI foods - these include sugar, white bread, white rice and other finely refined starch calories. You'll want to avoid fast foods and snack foods such as takeaways, sweets, biscuits, cakes and fizzy drinks. Instead, get your carbs from whole grains (whole grain bread and pasta and brown rice), and fresh fruits and vegetables.

In addition, you'll want to eat more protein - good sources include lean meat such as chicken breasts and lean cuts of beef and pork, fish, low-fat dairy products (milk, yoghurt and low fat cheese) and beans.

By eating foods with a higher protein content and reducing your intake of refined carbohydrates, you will feel full for longer, thus reducing your appetite.

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